Curriculum Vitae

Violeta Ilik

Executive Director, CCB Chief Data Office, Data Governance, JPMorganChase

Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Research at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia.

ilik.violeta at


Education and Experience


Master of Library and Information Science, University of North Texas, Denton, TX Major: Library and Information Science

Master of Arts Management, Doane University, Crete, NE Major: Management

Bachelor of Science, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia Major: Chemical Engineering


Dean, Adelphi University Libraries: July 1, 2020 - August 31, 2023

Columbia University Libraries, Head of Digital Collections and Preservation Systems: April 1, 2018 - June 30, 2020

Stony Brook University Libraries, Head of Cataloging and Metadata Services: July 27, 2017 - March 30, 2018

Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, NUCATS, Galter Health Sciences Library, Head, Digital Systems and Collection Services: November 1, 2014 – July 24, 2017

Texas A&M University Libraries

Documentation of Publications, Research, and Presentations


Refereed Publications (articles, proceedings)

Nicole A. Vasilevsky, Mohammad Hosseini, Samantha Teplitzky, Violeta Ilik, Ehsan Mohammadi, Juliane Schneider, Barbara Kern, Julien Colomb, Scott C. Edmunds, Karen Gutzman, Daniel S. Himmelstein, Marijane White, Britton Smith, Lisa O’Keefe, Melissa Haendel & Kristi L. Holmes (2020) Is authorship sufficient for today’s collaborative research? A call for contributor roles, Accountability in Research,

Durocher, Michelle; Dagher, Iman; Ilik, Violeta; Long, Chris Evin; Norris, Jeanette A.; Quintana, Isabel del Carmen; & Théroux, Manon (2020): The PCC ISNI Pilot: Exploring Identity Management on a Global, Collaborative Scale, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly.

Stalberg, Erin; Riemer, John; MacEwan,Andrew; Liss, Jennifer; Ilik, Violeta; Hearn, Stephen; Godby, Jean; Frank, Paul; Durocher, Michelle and Billey, Amber. (2019) “Exploring Models for Shared Identity Management at a Global Scale: The work of the PCC Task Group on Identity Management in NACO,” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly.

Conlon et al., (2019). VIVO: a system for research discovery. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(39), 1182,

Conlon, Michael; Woods, Andrew; Triggs, Graham; O’Flinn, Ralph; Javed, Muhammed; Blake, Jim; Gross, Benjamin; Ahmad, Qazi Azim Ijaz; Ali, Sabih; Barber, Martin; Elsborg, Don; Fofack, Kitio; Hauschke, Christian; Ilik, Violeta; Khan, Huda; Lawless, Ted; Levernier, Jacob; Lowe, Brian; Martin, Jose, Luis; McKay, Steve; Porter, Simon; Walther, Tatiana; White, Marijane; Wolff, Stefan; Younes, Rebecca. (2019, April 14). VIVO software 1.10.0 release (Version 1.10.0). Zenodo.

Violeta Ilik & Lukas Koster (2019) Information Sharing Pipeline, The Serials Librarian, 76:1-4, 55-65, Pre-print: Ilik, Violeta, and Lukas Koster. 2018. “Information Sharing Pipeline.” OSF Preprints. August 1.

Ilik, Violeta, Piotr Hebal, Anton Olson, Susan Wishnetsky, Joelen Pastva, Ramune Kubilius, Jonathan Shank, Karen Gutzman, Margarita Chung, and Kristi Holmes. DigitalHub: A Repository Focused on the Future. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 37:1, p. 31-42. Feb. 2018. Open Access copy on PubMed Central:

Ilik Violeta, Michael Conlon, Graham Triggs, Marijane White, Muhammad Javed, Matthew Brush, Karen Gutzman, Shahim Essaid, Paul Friedman, Simon Porter, Martin Szomszor, Melissa Anne Haendel, David Eichmann, Kristi L Holmes. (2018). “OpenVIVO: Transparency in Scholarship.” Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, v.2, March 2018. ISSN 2504-0537.

Ilik, Violeta, Michael Conlon, Graham Triggs, Melissa A Haendel, and Kristi L Holmes. 2017. “OpenVIVO: Transparency in Scholarship.” Open Science Framework. October 1. [preprint]. Original draft on Overleaf in LaTeX:

Ilik, V. and Holmes, K. (2017). JMLA Virtual Column: A Repository Solution for the future. page 413. In “Facing reality: the growth of virtual reality and health sciences libraries.” Lessick, Susan; Kraft, Michelle. Journal of the Medical Library Association, [S.l.], v. 105, n. 4, p. 407–417, Oct. 2017. ISSN 1558-9439.

Ilik, V. (2017) Report of the ALCTS Scholarly Communication Interest Group Meeting. American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Atlanta, January 2017, Technical Services Quarterly, 34:4, 409-418.

Ilik, V. (2017). Report of the ALCTS/LITA Linked Library Data Interest Group Meeting. American Library Association Annual Conference. Orlando, June 2016. Technical Services Quarterly, 34(1), 95-104.

Ilik, V. (2015). Distributed Person Data: Using Semantic Web Compliant Data in Subject Name Headings In Conference Proceedings, edited by Aida Slavic and Maria Inês Cordeiro, International UDC Seminar, Classification and Authority Control: Expanding Resource Discovery. (pp. 53-65). Würzburg: Ergon Verlag.

Ilik, V. (2015). Visual Representation of Academic Communities through Viewshare. Library Resources and Technical Services 59 (1).

Ilik, V. (2015). Cataloger Makeover: Creating Non-MARC Name Authority Records. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly

Ilik, V., Storlien, J., and Olivarez, J. (2014). Metadata Makeover: Transforming MARC Records Using XSLT. Library Resources and Technical Services 58 (3): 187-208.

Ilik, V., Potvin, S., Ho, J., Tucker, S., Clement, G., Creel, J., and Wan, G. (2014). Collecting and Digitizing Forgotten Graduate Student Scholarship: The PILOs Project at Texas A&M University. Collection Management 39 (4).

Ilik, V., Storlien, J., & Olivarez, J. (2013). Can Viewshare Be Used as a Research Network Visualization Tool? A Case Study Based on STEM Departments at Texas A&M University. Journal of Library Metadata 13 (4).

Mandell, L. and Ilik, V. (2013). The Role of XSLT in Digital Libraries, Editions, and Cultural Exhibits in T. Aalberg et al. (Eds.): TPDL 2013, LNCS 8092,(Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2013), pp. 482-3.

Ilik, V. (2012). Off-Site Storage from a Cataloging Point of View. The Serials Librarian 63(3-4): 350-358.

Presentations | Posters | Reports


International and National

Davis, Jee, Dawes, Trevor, Ilik, Violeta (2023): Academic Library Leaders Discuss Difficult Topics. ACRL Conference, Pittsburg, PA, USA. March 16, 2023.

Hook, Daniel, Ilik, Violeta (2022): The Psychology of Metrics. Charleston Conference, Charleston, SC, USA. November 3, 2022.

Ilik, Violeta (2022): Is it FAIR or FAIR enough?. Keynote Presentation. 25th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations – ETD 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia. September 7 - 9, 2022.

Hosseini, Mohammad, Ilik, Violeta, Vasilevsky, Nicole, & Holmes, Kristi. (2021, December 9). Deep Dive: Ethics of Contributor Roles. FORCE2021. Zenodo.

Conlon, Mike, Hauschke, Christian, Ilik, Violeta, Kasprzik, Anna, Lowe, Brian, Nüst. Daniel, … Walther, Tatiana. (2021, July). Geospatial information in VIVO - thoughts, ideas, suggestions. Presented at the 12th VIVO Conference 2021 (VIVO2021), Zenodo.

Conlon, Michael; Hauschke, Christian; Ilik, Violeta; Kasprzik, Anna; Lowe, Brian; O’Flinn, Ralph; et al. (2021): VIVO Ontology Development: Why, What, and How. figshare. Presentation. VIVO North American User’s Group Meeting, on-line, January 19, 2021

Ilik, Violeta (2020). Knowledge Dissemination and the Libraries of the Future. Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform (CONP). November 4, 2020.

Ilik, Violeta (2020). In a moving world re-adaptation is the price of longevity. CBK and the Library of the Future: Anticipating the Second Knowledge Revolution panel. Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge 2020 Annual Meeting (virtual), June 30, 2020.

Conlon, Michael and Ilik, Violeta (2020). Ontology for Scholarship: Revising the VIVO Ontology. CNI Spring Meeting, March 30-31, 2020, San Diego, CA. Presentations moved online due to COVID-19. Talk presented on April 21, 2020.

Ilik, Violeta; Mendenhall, Timothy R.; Sokolova, Dina V.; Wacker, Melanie; Whelan, Alexander J. (alphabetical order) (2020). Future Proof: Preserving and Providing Access to Columbia’s Audio Visual Collections. Visual Resources Association (VRA) Annual Conference 2020, March 25, Baltimore, MD. Presentations moved online due to COVID-19. Talk presented on June 16, 2020.

Sokolova, Dina; Ilik, Violeta; Davis, Stephen P. (2019). Digital Preservation at Columbia University Libraries. Learn More Session, Columbia University Libraries. New York, NY, November 21, 2019.

DeVito, Jennifer A., McGivney, Claudia, and Ilik, Violeta (2019). Leadership Strategies for Librarians. Louisiana Virtual Academic Library Conference, November 7, 2019.

Ilik, Violeta; Luna Lucero, Brian; Mendenhall, Timothy R.; Wacker, Melanie; Whelan, Alexander J. (alphabetical order) (2019): Making Software into a Program: Columbia University Libraries’ Hyacinth User Group. DLF Forum, October 14, 2019. Tampa, Florida.

Conlon, Michael; Ilik, Violeta; Lowe, Brian; Hauschke, Christian; White, Marijane; Javed, Muhammed; et al. (2019): VIVO Ontology Version 2. 10th International VIVO Conference, September 5, 2019. Podgorica, Montenegro. figshare. Presentation.

Van de Sompel, Herbert; Capadisli, Sarven; Ilik, Violeta; Conlon, Michael; Verborgh, Ruben. (2019): Semantic Cross-Site Search for VIVO. 10th International VIVO Conference, September 6, 2019. Podgorica, Montenegro. Panel.

Ilik, Violeta; Mendenhall, Timothy R.; Sokolova, Dina V.; Wacker, Melanie; Whelan, Alexander J. (2019) “Unhiding the audiovisual past at Columbia University Libraries” ALA 2019 Conference, Washington, DC, June 24, 2019.

Ilik, Violeta. (2018) “Implementing Semantic Discovery for Researchers: VIVO.” NFAIS Virtual Workshop: Getting Your Content Ready for Semantic Search and A&I” Wednesday, August 29, 2018.

Ilik, Violeta and Koster, Lukas. (2018) “Information Sharing Pipeline” NASIG 2018 Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 9, 2018.

Ilik, Violeta. (2018) “VIVO and the Role of Librarians, Part 2”, American Library Association, March 14, 2018. Document ID: a85aec5a-6e5a-4418-94b1-95a598fbc38a Slides.

Ilik, Violeta. (2018) “VIVO and the Role of Librarians, Part 1”, American Library Association, February 28, 2018. Document ID: ac928668-00f1-4862-91e1-4cef132026a1 Slides.

Ilik, Violeta. (2017) Lightning Talk: Real Time Information Channel. SWIB 2017 Conference. Hamburg, Germany, December 5, 2017.

Ilik, Violeta. (2017) Real Time Information Channel. FORCE 2017 Conference. Berlin, Germany, October 25, 2017.

Ilik, Violeta. (2017) Managing Identities and Entities. University Libraries Colloquium Series. Stony Brook, NY, September 21, 2017.

Elsborg, Don; Gross, Benjamin; Ilik, Violeta; Porter, Simon; Frank, Paul; Javed, Muhammad; Fereira, John. (2017): Crosswalking Research Vocabularies in VIVO. VIVO 2017 Conference, NYC, NY, August 2, 2017. figshare.

Ilik, Violeta; Durocher, Michelle; Frank, Paul; Riemer, John; Billey, Amber; Hearn, Stephen; Liss, Jennifer; MacEwan, Andrew; Stalberg, Erin. (2017): Identity Management. VIVO 2017 Conference, NYC, NY, August 2, 2017. figshare.

Khan, Huda; Conlon, Michael; Ilik, Violeta; Fereira, John. (2017): Livin’ La VIVO Loca. VIVO 2017 Conference, NYC, NY, August 3, 2017. figshare.

Ilik, Violeta; Dorr, John (2017): ORCID at Northwestern University. ORCID US Roadshow, Chicago, IL, April 27, 2017. figshare.

Ilik, Violeta (2017). Beyond the Manuscript: Using IRs for Non-traditional Content Types. Chicago, Illinois, United States: Galter Health Sciences Library, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, 2017. NISO Virtual Conference: Institutional Repositories: Ensuring Yours is Populated, Useful and Thriving. February 15, 2017

Riemer, John, Ilik, Violeta, and PCC Task Group on Identity Management in NACO (2017). Authority Control’ see (also) ‘Identity Management. LITA/ALCTS Authority Control Interest Group. American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 22, 2017.

Pastva, Joelen, Jason T Todd Stirnaman, Piotr Hebal, and Violeta Ilik. (2016). Digitalhub Workflows: Preserving and Sharing Scholarly Work Using NM’s Repository. Durham, North Carolina, United States: DigitalHub. Galter Health Sciences Library, 2016.

Haendel, Melissa; Holmes, Kristi; Ilik, Violeta; McMurry, Julie; Conlon, Michael; Brush, Matthew. (2016). An ecosystem of contributions. figshare. Force 2016 Conference, Portland, OR, April 2016.

Ilik, Violeta. (2016). Navigating the Digital Scholar Sphere. Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE), Faculty Advisory Council. Chicago, Illinois, United States: Galter Health Sciences Library, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University.

Ilik, Violeta. (2015). Distributed person data: using Semantic Web compliant data in subject name headings. International UDC Seminar, Classification and Authority Control: Expanding Resource Discovery, Lisbon, Portugal, October 29, 2015.

Ilik, Violeta. (2015). DigitalHub - a living record of scholarly output. Midwest Fedora Users Group Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 22, 2015.

Ilik, Violeta, Hebal, Piotr., and Holmes, Kristi. (2015). Using VIVO-ISF Ontology in Open Repositories. VIVO 2015 Conference, Cambridge, MA, August 13, 2015.

Ilik, Violeta. (2015). What do MARC, RDF, and OWL have in common? Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) Participants Meeting. American Library Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, June 28, 2015.

Ilik, Violeta. (2015). Karma data integration: creating semantic web compliant VIVO data. VIVO iFest, Portland, OR, March 16, 2015

Ilik, Violeta. (2015). Dos and Don’ts of extending the VIVO ontology. VIVO iFest, Portland, OR, March 16, 2015.

Ilik, Violeta. (2015) Transforming MARCXML Records Using XSLT - ALCTS Webinar March 4, 2015: YouTube: - Slides:

Ilik, Violeta and Friedman, Paul. (2015). Northwestern University Local Ontology Extensions, VIVO Apps and Tools Working Group Call, February 10, 2015

Ilik, Violeta. (2014). Distributed Person Data - NISO Virtual Conference: Can’t We All Work Together?: Interoperability & Systems Integration, November 19, 2014.

Haendel, Melissa, Lowe, Brian, and Ilik, Violeta. (2014). The Case For Stable VIVO URIs - VIVO/SciTS Conference, Austin, TX, August 8, 2014.

Chiang, Katherine, Holmes, Kristi, Ilik, Violeta, and Shanahan, Christopher. (2014). Promoting ORCID Adoption in the Academic Institutional Ecosystem: Progress Reports from Adoption & Integration Partners - VIVO/SciTS Conference, Austin, TX, August 7, 2014.

Rademaker, Alexandre and Ilik, Violeta. (2014). Using OAI-PMH protocol for Data Ingest into VIVO Instances - VIVO/SciTS Conference, Austin, TX, August 7, 2014.

Ilik, Violeta. (2014). Supporting a scholar’s online identity with VIVO and ORCIDs –Texas STEM Librarians’ Conference, College Station, TX, July 17, 2014.

Clement, Gail, Cooper, Micah, Hahn, Douglas, Ilik, Violeta, and Tucker, Sandra. (2014). It Takes a Village to Grow ORCIDs on Campus: Establishing and Integrating Unique Scholar Identifiers at Texas A&M - 2014 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, Austin, TX, May 6-7, 2014.

Ilik, Violeta. (2014). Modeling data with Karma data integration tool (semantic web compliant data for VIVO 1.5 instance) - VIVO Apps and Tools Working Group Call, April 1, 2014

Ilik, Violeta. (2014). Modeling Data with Karma Data Integration Tool. 2014 VIVO Implementation Fest, Durham, NC, March 20, 2014.

Haendel, Melissa and Ilik, Violeta. (2014). Integrating with Others: Stable VIVO URIs for Local Authority Records; Linking to VIAF; ORCID Organizational Identifiers; W3C Dataset Ontology Work. 2014 VIVO Implementation Fest, Durham, NC, March 20, 2014.

Ilik, Violeta. (2014). Cataloger Makeover. Faster, Smarter, and Richer (FSR 2014): Reshaping the Library Catalogue International Conference, Rome, Italy, February 28, 2014.

Bolton, Michael, Clement, Gail, Ilik, Violeta, and Tucker, Sandra. (2013). Access to Graduate Scholarship in VIVO: Establishing Connections and Tracing Academic Lineage. Digital Library Forum (DLF), Austin, TX, November 5, 2013.

Ilik, Violeta. (2013). Reuse, Repurpose. ALA Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, June 30, 2013.

Ilik, Violeta. (2013). Visualizing Metadata. Texas Conference on Digital Libraries (TCDL), Austin, TX, May 7, 2013.

Ilik, Violeta. (2013). Linked data: The First Step is the Hardest. American Library Association Midwinter Conference, Seattle, WA, January 27, 2013.

Ilik, Violeta. (2012). Challenges of Displaying Metadata from Voyager, SFX, Metalib & Primo. Ex Libris Northeast Users Group (ENUG) Conference, Ithaca, NY, October 18, 2012.


Conlon, Michael; Ilik, Violeta; Lowe, Brian; Hauschke, Christian; White, Marijane (2020): Ontological Domains for Representing Scholarship. U.S. Semantics Technology Symposium, March 10 2020, Raleigh, NC. Poster.

Conlon, Michael; Ilik, Violeta; Lowe, Brian; Hauschke, Christian; White, Marijane; Javed, Muhammed; et al. (2019): Identifying Ontological Domains Related to VIVO. 10th International VIVO Conference, September 5, 2019. Podgorica, Montenegro. figshare. Poster.

Ilik, Violeta, and Kristi Lee Holmes. We Built it and They Came! Building a Repository Solution for the Future. MLA 2017, Seattle, WA, May 30, 2017. Galter Health Sciences Library, 2017.

Gutzman, Karen E, Violeta Ilik, Ramune Karolina Kubilius, Kristi Holmes, Susan J Wishnetsky, Joelen Pastva, Anton J Olson, Jonathan P Shank, Piotr Hebal, and Jason T Todd Stirnaman. Digitalhub Poster. DigitalHub. Galter Health Sciences Library, 2016.

White, Marijane, Essaid Shahim, Brush, Matthew; Gutzman, Karen; Rademaker, Alexandre; Johnson, Tenille, Javed, Muhammad, Corson-Rikert, Jon, Chacko, George, Conlon, Michael, Viggio, Alex, Lindquist, Thea, Holmes, Kristi, Haendel, Melissa, Ilik, Violeta (2016): Who we are and what we contribute: The Open Research Information Framework as a means to understand scholarship. VIVO 2016 Conference, Denver, CO, August 18, 2016.

Conlon, Michael; Triggs, Graham; Ilik, Violeta; Lawless, Ted; Holmes, Kristi; Blake, Jim; Friedman, Paul; Javed, Muhammed; Haendel, Melissa; White, Marijane; Eichmann, David; Porter, Simon; Szomszor, Martin; Serafin, John; Essaid, Shahim; Rademaker, Alexandre; Brush, Matthew; Gutzman, Karen. 2016. “OpenVIVO: A VIVO Anyone Can Join.” OR 2016, Dublin, IE, June 14, 2016.

Gutzman, Karen; Konkiel, Stacy; White, Marijane; Brush, Matthew; Ilik, Violeta; Conlon, Michael; Haendel, Melissa; Holmes, Kristi (2016): Attribution of Work in the Scholarly Ecosystem. figshare. Force 2016 Conference, Portland, OR, April 2016.

Conlon, Michael; Triggs, Graham; Ilik, Violeta; Lawless, Ted; Holmes, Kristi; Blake, Jim; Friedman, Paul; Javed, Muhammed; Haendel, Melissa; White, Marijane; Eichmann, David; Porter, Simon; Szomszor, Martin; Serafin, John; Essaid, Shahim; Rademaker, Alexandre; Brush, Matthew; Gutzman, Karen (2016): OpenVIVO: A VIVO anyone can join. figshare. Force 2016 Conference, Portland, OR, April 2016.

Ilik, Violeta; Hebal, Piotr; Olson, Tony; Stirnaman, Jason; Kubilius, Ramune; Wishnetsky, Susan; Gutzman, Karen; Shank, Jonathan; Holmes, Kristi (2016): Supporting the spectrum of scholarship in DigitalHub. figshare. Force 2016 Conference, Portland, OR, April 2016.

Friedman, Paul, Kibbe, Warren, Ilik, Violeta, Starren, Justin, and Holmes, Kristi. Moving a Custom Application to use VIVO-Compliant Linked Open Data. VIVO 2015 Conference, Cambridge, MA, August 13, 2015.

Friedman, Paul, Kibbe, Warren, Ilik, Violeta, Holmes, Kristi, Starren, Justin (2015). VIVO Around the World. VIVO 2015 Conference, Cambridge, MA, August 13, 2015.

Hebal, Piotr, Ilik, Violeta, and Holmes, Kristi. Starting from scratch – building the perfect digital repository. Open Repositories 2015, Indianapolis, IN, June 9, 2015.


Anderson, Judy, Jordan Andrade, Virginia Barbour, Jeff Belliston, Marilyn Billings, Michael Boock, Mark Christel, et al. 2022. “Public COAPI Toolkit of Open Access Policy Resources.” OSF. July 13.

Program for Cooperative Cataloging Ad Hoc Task Group on Recording Gender in Name Authority Records

DataCite Metadata Working Group. (2021). DataCite Metadata Schema Documentation for the Publication and Citation of Research Data and Other Research Outputs. Version 4.4. DataCite e.V.

DataCite Metadata Working Group. (2019). DataCite Metadata Schema for the Publication and Citation of Research Data. Version 4.3. DataCite e.V.

Blog Posts

Hosseni, Mohammad, Ilik, Violeta, Vasilevsky, Nicole, and Holmes, Kristi (January 20, 2022). Deep dive into ethics of Contributor Roles: report of a FORCE11 workshop [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Colomb, Julien, Hosseni, Mohammad, Ilik, Violeta, Vasilevsky, Nicole, Kern, Barbara and Holmes, Kristi (August 4, 2020). Advancing collaborative research with contributor roles [Blog post].

Sokolova Dina, Ilik, Violeta, and Davis, Stephen (November 6, 2019). 2019 World Digital Preservation Day.

Ilik, Violeta (2017, October 19). Real Time Information Channel [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Ilik, Violeta (2017, August, 26). Why not share? [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Selected Projects

Carnegie Corporation of New York

Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center Collection

Digital Serlio

Hubert H. Harrison Papers

Photographs from the Frederick Fried Coney Island Collection

Tibetan Studies Special Collections at Columbia University

Documentation of Professional Activities

International and National Committees - Completed (alphabetical order)

ALCTS/LITA Linked Library Data Interest Group Co-Chair/Chair, 2014-2016

ALCTS Scholarly Communication Interest Group Vice-Chair/Chair, 2015-2017

ALA, ALCTS, Continuing Resources, Committee on Holdings Information, 2013 – 2017

DataCite Metadata Working Group, 2019 - 2021

European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) 2021 - Virtual Conference Co-Chair

FORCE11 Fundraising Committee Chair, 2019

FORCE11 Sponsorship Committee Chair, 2018

FORCE11 2017 Program Planning Committee member, October 2017, Berlin, Germany

FORCE11 2016 Program Planning Committee member, April 2016, Portland, Oregon, USA:

International Society for Biocuration (ISB) Award Committee - 2020 Biocuration Career Award

Knowledge Graph Conference

Knowledge Graph Conference

NASIG, Program Planning Committee, Chair 2017-2018

NASIG, Program Planning Committee, Vice-Chair 2016-2017

NASIG, Program Planning Committee, member 2012 – 2018

Open Publishing Awards 2021 - Judge

OpenRIF, VIVO–Integrated Semantic Framework (ISF) Ontology, Developer, 2013-2018

Open Science Fair 2021, Organising and Programme Committee

Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) Task Group on Gender (July 2022 - December 2023)

Program for Cooperative Cataloging Identity Management Advisory Committee, June 2022 - June 2026

Program for Cooperative Cataloging Task Group on Identity Management in NACO, 2016 - June 2022

Program for Cooperative Cataloging Ad Hoc Task Group on Recording Gender in Name Authority Records, May 2021 - April 2022

Texas Conference on Digital Libraries (TCDL) 2015 Conference Planning Committee 2014-2015

VIVO 2019 Conference Chair

VIVO Camp Task Force Instructor, 2016–2018

VIVO Ontology Interest Group, 2018 - 2021

VIVO 2018 Sponsorship Lead, September 2017-March 2018

VIVO Ontology Improvement Task Force, 2016-2018

VIVO 2017 Conference Program Chair

VIVO 2016 Conference Program Co-Chair

VIVO Implementation Documentation Task Force – Lead, 2015

VIVO 2015 Program Planning Committee and Session Chair

Board Leadership Positions

Co-Chair, FORCE11 - The Future of Research Communication and e-Scholarship, Executive Board of Directors (October 2019 - September 2021)
Vice Chair, ConnectNY Board of Directors (July 2022 - August 2023)

Board Member

FORCE11 - The Future of Research Communication and e-Scholarship (January 2018 - December 2023) ConnectNY - Board of Directors (July 2020 - August 2023)

FSCI Steering Committee

FORCE11 Scholarly Communications Institute (FSCI) (January 2020 -June 2021)

Editorial Board Member

Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS) 2017-2021

VIVO Leadership Group

VIVO - Connect - Share - Discover (July 2018- December 2019)

VIVO Steering Group

VIVO - Connect - Share - Discover (August 2018- December 2019)


Participant, FAIRIO - FAIR research information in Open Infrastructures, Reusability of Research Information The State Scientific Library of the Ukraine in Kyiv (SSTL) and the TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology. December 8, 2020

Participant, FAIRIO - FAIR research information in Open Infrastructures, Accessibility of Research Information The State Scientific Library of the Ukraine in Kyiv (SSTL) and the TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology. November 2, 2020

Participant, FAIRIO - FAIR research information in Open Infrastructures, Interoperabiliy of Research Information. The State Scientific Library of the Ukraine in Kyiv (SSTL) and the TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology. September 21, 2020

Instructor: Mike Conlon, Violeta Ilik, Huda Kahn, and Benjamin Gross: VIVO Camp 2018, New York, NY, October 18-20, 2018.

Instructor: Mike Conlon, Violeta Ilik, Paul Albert, and Benjamin Gross: VIVO Camp 2018, La Jolla, CA, April 5-7, 2018.

Guest Lecturer: Violeta Ilik. INFO 670 Linked Open Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums, Spring 2018. Pratt Institute, School of Information. February 7, 2018.

Instructor: Mike Conlon, Graham Triggs, Violeta Ilik, Paul Albert, and Julia Trimmer: VIVO Camp 2017, Durham, NC, November 9-11, 2017.

Instructor: Mike Conlon, Graham Triggs, Violeta Ilik, Paul Albert, and Julia Trimmer: VIVO Camp 2017, Albuquerque, NM, April 6-8, 2017.

Workshop Instructor: Pedro Szekely and Violeta Ilik. VIVO 2016 Workshop: Data integration with Karma. Denver, CO, August 17, 2016.

Class Instructor: Violeta Ilik. DigitalHub: Preserving and Sharing Your Work Using NM’s Repository. Galter Health Sciences Library regular class, Chicago, IL, December 2015 -

Workshop Instructor: John Fereira, Cornell University; Violeta Ilik, Northwestern University; Alex Viggio, Symplectic Ltd. VIVO 2015 Workshop “Managing Your Data Flows: Architecture and Data Provenance For Your Institution – Section: Karma is a Tool.” VIVO 2015 Conference, Cambridge, MA, August 12, 2015.

Workshop Instructor: Violeta Ilik, Northwestern University, Alexandre Rademaker, Fundação Getulio Vargas & IBM Research, Chris Barnes, University of Florida; Ted Lawless, Brown University; and Jim Blake, Cornell University. Awesome Apps to Enhance Your VIVO – Section: Karma is a Tool! VIVO 2015 Conference, Cambridge, MA, August 12, 2015.

Workshop Instructor: Modeling Data with Karma – Data Integration Tool (semantic web compliant data for VIVO 1.6 and 1.7 instances) - VIVO/SciTS Conference, Austin, TX, August 6, 2014.

Workshop Instructor: VIVO for beginners – running a local VIVO installation and importing research information data - Lukas Koster, Ina Blümel, Gabriel Birke, Violeta Ilik, and Ted Lawless - ELAG Conference, Bath, UK June 10-13, 2014.

Course Instructor: Programming for Humanists, Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture (IDHMC), Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, Spring Semester 2014.

Workshop Instructor, Birnbaum, David and Violeta Ilik. “The Role of XSLT in Digital Libraries, Editions, and Cultural Exhibits.” 17th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2013), Valetta, Malta, September 22, 2013.

Course Instructor, XSLT Book Workshop, Text Encoding Initiative Conference 2012, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, November 6, 2012.

Workshop Instructor, Serials Cataloging Cooperative Training Program (SCCTP) – Serials Holdings Workshop - College Station, TX, December 2012.